I dedicate the following poem to the dogs that I have lost in the past, the dogs that I live with now and the dogs that will be in my future.
Where to Bury a Dog
For if the dog be well remembered,
if sometimes she leaps through your dreams actual as in life, eyes kindling, laughing, begging, it matters not where that dog sleeps.
On a hill where the wind is unrebuked and the trees are roaring, of beside a stream she knew in puppy hood,
or somewhere in the flatness of a pastureland where most exhilarating cattle graze. It is one to a dog, and all one to you,
and nothing is gained and nothing lost --
if memory lives.
But there is one best place to bury a dog.
If you bury her in this spot, she will come to you when you call --
come to you over the grim, dim frontiers of death, and down the well-remembered path to your side again.
And though you may call a dozen living dogs to heel, they shall not growl at her nor resent her coming, for she belongs there.
People may scoff at you, who see no lightest blade of grass bent by her footfall,
who hear no whimper, people who have never really had a dog.
Smile at them, for you shall know something that is hidden from them.
The one best place to bury a good dog is in the heart of her master…
- Anonymous
Flip was our family dog when I was going up. He was the puppy of Margie, the first dog in my life. Flip was given to a family that lived down the street when I was a child, before moving to the country. My Mother would call the owners and ask if Flip could come and play with me. They would let him out and he would come over for a play visit. Flip was evidently an escape artist and had been picked up by the Dog Warden one too many times. So they said he could come live with us as long as he went to the country. Flip was the supervisor of our house construction, waiting for us to move in. We lived next door to my Grandmother, Aunt and Uncle. Flip walked us kids to the bus every day. Flip would get excited when asked if he wanted to go to school. That is when he would walk my brother and I to the end of our street to catch the school bus. He waited patiently for the bus to arrive, then would walk back home (we lived on a dead end street). Flip taught me unconditional love and devotion. He was my best friend in the early years of my life.
Paula's Heidi Ho CDX
Heidi was my constant companion for 15 and 1/2 years. She understood my feelings and was always there for me. Heidi entered my life when I was in eighth grade. When Heidi was older she went deaf and due to her obedience training, she would respond to hand signals. Heidi was the first dog to introduce me into the world of dog shows. She was not a show dog, but loved pleasing me and was a wonderful obedience dog. That is why I encourage anyone to have a good obedience foundation in their dog, whatever breed you chose. Obedience is a lifetime of learning and living with your dog. She was my 4-H dog for 4 years and she passed away 3 weeks shy of my 30th birthday. Everyone should have the opportunity to have the love and devotion of a dog like Heidi.
Buckeye Buttercup CDX
Susie was my first Miniature Pinscher. I purchased Susie with the money I made from selling my horse. Susie did not want to be a show dog, but enjoyed obedience. She would go into the ring and roach her back, act scared then go outside the ring and prance around wagging her tail. The show life was not for her. She did produce four AKC Champions in her lifetime which introduced me to the world of AKC conformation dog shows. I have traveled all over the country showing my Miniature Pinchers in shows and Miniature Pincher Club of America National Specialties. Susie was loved by everyone in my family. Words cannot describe how we all felt about Susie.
Hanna am Flaschee CD
Hanna was my first Entlebucher. When my German Shepherd Heidi, passed away I thought that I could never care as deeply for a dog again. Hanna came into my life as a 10 week old puppy and was a blessing. You may read that Entlebuchers are reserved with strangers… well Hanna never read that in the standard for the breed. Hanna loved everyone. When I planned to breed Hanna for the first time, I had heard that some Entlys had temperament traits that I did not want in my breeding. So I went to California to meet the male and make sure that he was what I wanted for the foundation of my breeding. I am particularly proud of the temperament traits of the puppies that I breed!
Hanna was a wonderful show dog. We traveled all over the country showing in ARBA (American Rare Breed Association) dog shows. At that time it was one of the few venues available to us. Hanna won multiple Best in Show awards with ARBA. We were unable to show in AKC Conformation since Entlebuchers were not accepted in the AKC at that time. When we were accepted into the FSS (Foundation Stock Service) the prelude to our journey into full AKC recognition, Hanna was the first AKC Obedience titled Entlebucher in the breed. I will always be very proud of our accomplishments. Hanna passed away at the age of 14 and 1/2.
Bello VD Weirhalten RN
Bello was a wonderful ambassador for the breed and an incredible addition to our family! We lovingly called him, "Mello" Bello.
He was also the ultimate show dog. When Bello was in the show ring he had a presence that would make you just stop and watch him. He won multiple Best in Shows with ARBA. He was the number seven dog in the country, all breeds with ARBA when he was about 5 years old. We had the opportunity to travel to Washington DC to receive his award.
Bello also has a first for the Entlebucher Mountain Dog breed:
Bello is the first AKC Rally titled Entlebucher. Bello passed away 2 weeks shy of his 15 birthday.